

Dallas wedding photographer and educator for playful, timeless romance in Texas & beyond.

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My Favorite Wedding Image of 2015




Wedding Photography


I am so thankful to have worked with amazing people and couples this past year. One couple that I met at last years bridal show and instantly connected with ended up winning my favorite wedding image of 2015! Jennifer and Jordan are absolutely smitten with each other and the way they show affection just makes everyone around them want to let out a big “AAWWWWWWWWW”. They are so respectful of one another and Jordan is a true gentleman! I am so happy to share this image with you all.


This photo was taken at the reception toward the end of the evening.When everyone was out on the dance floor, Jordan grabbed his bride for a dance and they were laughing and smiling so big at each other when I caught this moment. I wasn’t in the best spot and got the video light in the way but I still love this shot and this couple!

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